MAXINE PETRUCCI – Back To The Garden
Label: Independent
Release Date: January 1, 2013
Rating: 8.5/10
Reviewed by: ToddStar
Being a rocker from Detroit, you have to support local rock, but it comes easy when the rock comes from the talented Maxine Petrucci and her band, Broadzilla’s Rachel May on guitar and vocals, and from Imminent Sonic Destruction, drummer Pat DeLeon and bassist Bryan Paxton. “WTF” opens with a cool riff and some killer drums. The song soon takes off and we are treated to a real rocker that sets the pace and tone for this disc. The guitar work on this track is great and really demonstrates Maxine’s talent. “Back To The Garden” opens with a very trippy vocal interlude that takes this song left of center. The guitars are cool and the rest of the song is fun, but the vocals are a bit distracting. “Out Of Whack” kicks in next and has a heavier feel and groove than the previous tracks, but the band pulls it off. There is a crazy cool guitar solo in this track that really sets this song apart from others. “Assassinate” opens with pounding drums and a great riff. The rhythm section anchors this track, while the vocals and guitars soar. This song has a little more attitude than the last couple tracks, but it fits well and adds a little depth to the disc. “Wicked” is another song that has a different vibe and sound to it. Maybe it’s the flute, maybe its the cool time changes and tempo shifts in the intro. The bridge and solo are interesting as the guitars, vocals, and flute co-exist.
“Pink Angels” is a lot like other tracks here, in that the guitar solos and miscellaneous fret work is great, but the vocals and transitions lend themselves to something more ethereal. “Youth Gone By” comes next, but this one screams rocker from the opening riff. The drums, handled on this disc perfectly by DeLeon, give this song a heavy feel and keep the song from becoming just another track. The guitar work is good at the bridges and transitions. “Gingerman” follows up with a cool track that features a different intro from any other on this disc. This has a more classic rock feel to it, from the rhythm section to the piano and straight forward vocals. This is one of the better tracks on the disc. I bet this one goes over very well live. “Sacred” feels like a guitar distortion mess when it starts off, but soon transforms into a solid rock track that features more great solos and vocals that nicely contrast the sound of the guitars. The guitar solo has a sound and feel unmatched by anything else on the disc. “Harsh My Gig” closes the disc with another big rocker that features the skin pounding of DeLeon and a heavy bottom line from Paxton. The guitars are aggressive and make the song a little edgier than others here.
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