A Dirty Dozen with LOON A TIK of THE 2019 MICHIGAN BURLESQUE FESTIVAL – July 2019
According to a recent press release: “The Michigan Burlesque Festival started in 2012 with the the intent to bring some of the world’s most unique performers to Detroit in hopes of reuniting the traditional concepts of original burlesque theater, where dancers and vaudevillians shared a stage to provide well rounded and entertaining sexy comedic show. It has grown into a two-day festival featuring not-to-miss local talent and award-winning performance artists and world renown burlesque performers, such as past headliners: Lushes LaMoan, Bella Sin, The Weird Sisters, Red Hot Annie, Super Happy Funtime Burlesque, Russell Brunner, Roxi D’Lite, Dangrrr Doll, Ray Gunn, Mr. Gorgeous, Jeez Loueez, Satori Circus, Hank E Panky, Dirty Martini along with so many more phenomenal performers.” We get 2019 performer Loon A Tik to discuss routines, influences, and much more…
1. Tell us a little about your latest developed routine. What drove you to choose the particular piece of music, create the costume, and pull together the specific moves in the routine? Are there any links between that routine and your “real life” that tie the two side of you together?
My latest routine is a Thigh Master Parody inspired by In Living Colors Kelly Caulfield. I am a nerd and therefore there are Easter Eggs in the performance for those who know the history of Suzanne Summers, Three’s Company and the Thigh Master. The acts reflects my real life in I try to find the humor in everything.
2. What got you into burlesque, and can you tell us about the moment you realized you wanted to be a performer? Building on that, is there a specific performer or act that guided your performances in the beginning?
I started to attend a monthly Nerdlesque show in Las Vegas. I love themed shows. Well I would get disappointed at the lack of real attention to the theme, but would tell myself, “Don’t criticize, you don’t know what it is like tell you do it.” My man ended up enrolling me in a local burlesque school in Vegas. Before the classes first performance I booked a gig with Penni Piper’s Nerdlesque show and that was history – I was the only regular performer from June 2014 – June 2019, when the Producer closed the doors.
3. Who would be your main influences or performers you admire?
I have had many influence through the past four years. Living in Las Vegas I am very honored and privileged to have access to so many Burlesque Legends. The person whom has really helped me through the in-and-out of Burlesque in the beginning I really owe a great amount of gratitude to Legend Miss Tiffany Carter. Miss Lily Star – Teacher Choreographer and great friend is ALWAYS a continued influence in my life and burlesque career.
4. If you could call in any one collaborator to do a routine with, who would it be, and why?
Julie Atlas Muse… what can I say she is Julie Atlas Muse. Dirty Martini would be a close second.
5. How would you describe your performance style to someone who’d never seen you perform before? What is one review from the media, an audience member, or a fan has made that made you cringe?
Theatrical. Guaranteed to make you laugh, smile or cringe. I try not to pay attention to comments that have no real value, if there is a critique or suggestion , I am always willing to listen (and debate) I already anticipated that I will not be everyone’s cup of tea and if they are talking about my act, they took notice. Good or bad they have noticed.
6. When it comes to the musical component of your performance, is there a certain musical genre, artist, or specific song you have always wanted to use? What was the first song you ever used – and what does that song mean to you now?
My music selection has a lot to do with the inspiration of my act. In general I like to skew the interpretation of the lyrics. I like when audience members tell me they will NEVER look at the song the same way again. My first act was to a 70’s love song “Sharing the Night Together” by Dr. Hook. My act is about a serial killer looking for their next victim. That song to me set the precedent for what I think people expect from my performance – which is usually a twist or punch line at the end.
7. What is one thing you wish audience members knew about you, your performances, or burlesque in general? What do you feel is the biggest misconception about you and your burlesque career?
That I am approachable. I have natural resting bitch face and am very sarcastic. People can find me scary, stop and have a chat with me I think you might be surprised.
8. When was the last time you were star struck by a burlesque performer and who was it?
I guess the closest to being start struck three years ago at BHOF 2 To Fly, OMG they were amazing and totally my cup of tea.
9. What is the best part of being a burlesque performer? Conversely, what is the worst part? If you could no longer be a performer for whatever reason, what would be your other artistic outlet?
The best part is being able to have a creative outlet for my mind’s eye. The worst part would be how catty some other performers can be , lot of them have a “do as I say not as I do” in this community attitude, but on the flip side I have made some Wonderful true and caring people in the community.
10. What is one question you have always wanted someone to ask you as a performer – and what is the answer? Conversely, what question are you tired of answering?
There is not one question that I wish I would be asked, I just wish people would ask the me if they have any question, I will always give you my honest opinion if you ask. The number one question that I have heard over and over again – how do you come up with ideas. I am a Nerdlesque performer and most of the time I want to answer the question with “I watched a movie, cartoon, read a comic, etc.”
11. Looking back over your burlesque career, is there a single moment or situation you feel was a misstep or you would like to have a “do over”, even if it didn’t change your current situation?
I do wish that I would not have been so lacking in confidence that in the beginning of my career I let people walk over me. But Five years later I am much more of a confident person.
12. What is one thing you still want to achieve in the burlesque world? At the end of the day, what contribution to the local burlesque scene do you hope you will be remembered for?
I want to remember for being me. At the end of the day I want to keep the Burlesque scene alive. Burlesque is one of the feel things a woman can start at 40 and still have 20+ years to continue on.
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Category: Interviews