Launched a mere three weeks ago Heavy Metal Television is the talk of the internet. Since the launch, the station has garnered over 30,000 unique visitors with praise such as, “Thanks for this channel from the bottom of my heavy metal heart!”, “You have become the soundtrack to my house” and “Heavy Metal Television is my new addiction” being plastered on the station’s official Facebook page.
Heavy Metal Television beat Apple, Microsoft and Google in a race to start the first 24 hour web television network on Earth and people are talking. “We’re getting eMails from people who are basically marveling at how someone in Los Angeles is watching the same exact thing at the same moment at someone in Stockholm,” says a station spokesperson. “Not 3 hours apart, not 8 hours apart and not on demand but at the exact same moment forever. That speaks volumes. The music video is reborn. 24 hour music videos on the world’s only true music video channel has gone viral! ”
Heavy Metal Television has no log ins, no passwords, minimal commercials, zero pop up ads and it’s forever free. Go see for yourself at www.heavymetaltelevision.com
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