NEWSTED – Metal [EP]
Label: Chophouse Records
Release Date: Janaury 8, 2013
Rating: 9/10
Reviewed by: ToddStar
I always wondered when Jason Newsted would pop his head back into the metal world after he departed Metallica and the short lived Echobrain. He has done so in great fashion on this EP. “Soldierhead” kicks this disc off. The pounding bass open the disc and soon the guitars come soaring in. Once the drums join in, you know this is going to be all metal. The vocals are really good and well done against the music. This song gives you a bit of a view into not only Jason’s past, but his future. “Godsnake” is a chugging rock gem that has a bit of a Motorhead feel to it. The bass is punishing, while the guitars add some high end flavor to the track. The drums keep everything in check regarding the tempo. “King Of The Underdogs” starts off with light guitars and vocals. Soon we are treated to some killer musicianship that combines the bottom line with the guitar. The guitar sound shifts seamlessly from chugging to riff. “Skyscraper” is all rock from the opening note. The bass drives the song, along with the bass and guitars. The vocals are straight forward and well matched to the track. The song builds on everything else on the EP and culminates in a driving track that has a metal feel from top to bottom.
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