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A Dirty Dozen with PALMYRA DELRAN – February 2021

| 12 February 2021 | Reply


According to a recent press release: “Strong female personality, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist and host of Palmyra’s Trash-Pop Shindig on Little Steven’s Underground Garage on SiriusXM, Palmyra Delran (who Little Steven refers to as the “Lucille Ball of rock ‘n’ roll”) has been forging her own path as a female force in the industry, creating music on her own terms and establishing a close connection with her fans since the beginning of her career. She will be dropping two new self-produced singles with her band Palmyra Delran & The Doppel Gang on Friday, February 12: “Lucky in Love” and a cover of Tuff Darts’ “Who’s Been Sleeping Here?” via Wicked Cool Records.” We get Palmyra to discuss new music, influences, and much more…

1. Tell us a little about your latest release. What might a fan or listener not grab the first or second time they listen through? Are there any hidden nuggets you put in the material or that only diehard fans might find?

It’s a super sweet power pop song about false starts / bad timing in relationships. It ends up with a happy ending though. I’m hoping that it will be one of those “earworms” that sticks in people’s heads! As far as hidden nuggets… I always play castanets on all my records – kind of like the Alfred Hitchcock cameos in his films – but I forgot to put them in this time! So that nugget is so hidden, you’ll have to imagine it’s there.

2. What got you into music, and can you tell us about the moment you realized you wanted to be a musician?

That’s something I can’t pinpoint. I’ve always been clued in to sounds around me – whether it was music, nature sounds, white noise, or anything I could listen to. Once I started remembering melodies in my head as a kid, I wondered if it was something I could do. I went through an art phase – painting & sculpting, but was more drawn to music.

3. Building on that, is there a specific song, album, performer, or live show that guided your musical taste?

The Brian Jones period of the Rolling Stones really hit me hard. I totally clicked with the ‘razzle dazzle” of their records – all the cool instruments that he played.

4. Who would be your main five musical influences?

Another impossible one to answer, but since you’re asking today… As instrumentalist – Brian Jones / Songwriter – Ray Davies / Performer – Jackie Wilson / Producer – George Martin / Rock Star – Marc Bolan. It will most likely be different if you ask tomorrow.

5. If you could call in any one collaborator to do a song with, who would it be, and why?

So many to choose from! It would definitely be someone who would teach me something, like Ray Davies or Nick Lowe. Joey Ramone would be fun too.

6. How would you describe your music to someone who’d never listened to you before? What is the one comparison a reviewer or fan has made that made you cringe or you disagreed with?

Poppy & melodic, a little trashy, hopefully memorable. I don’t think I fit into the category of “punk”. That description is very broad, and my stuff may have some elements of punk, but it doesn’t exactly match historically. I love good punk rock for sure, but I think my stuff is a little poppier.

7. When your band is hanging out together, who cooks, who gets the drinks in, and who is first to crack out the acoustic guitars for a singalong?

I’ll cook! Mark & Bob will crack open the booze, and Michael will pull out the guitar or sit behind the piano.

8. When was the last time you were starstruck and who was it?

I don’t really get starstruck, but I met Minnie Pearl years ago and was too shy to ask if we could snap a pic. I still regret that.

9. What is the best part of being a musician? If you could no longer be a musician for whatever reason, what would be your dream job?

I feel extremely lucky that I get to live my dream of being a musician and radio host. It’s great to wake up and play around with GarageBand and make up new songs, or do radio shows. If I couldn’t do those things, I’d probably want to work with kids or animals. Real estate seems fun too…

10. What is one question you have always wanted an interviewer to ask – and what is the answer? Conversely, what question are you tired of answering?

You’ve asked some good ones! I like to see what flies my way. Sometimes it’s tiring answering the “girl band” questions. I really don’t see a difference. There’s just as many great guy bands out there too! If ya look around these days, there are girls in a lot of bands playing every instrument, writing the songs, etc…

11. Looking back over your career, is there a single moment or situation you feel was a misstep or you would like to have a “do over,” even if it didn’t change your current situation?

I wish I took it more seriously earlier. I feel like I screwed around a lot in the beginning and should have worked harder on songs and my guitar playing.

12. If you could magically go back in time and be a part of the recording sessions for any one record in history, which would you choose and what does that record mean to you?

Maybe Between The Buttons by the Stones. They were starting to get experimental around that time, using all kinds of new instruments, and it was an exciting time in music. Same with Rubber Soul… These days, we use these recording techniques all the time, but it would have been cool to see that stuff unfolding.

BONUS QUESTION – Due to the current world situation with COVID-19 / quarantine / shelter in place, what have you discovered you miss the most from your life before the pandemic struck?

I miss hugging my friends! Playing with my band, doing gigs, traveling, the usual stuff. I’m lucky to have my radio show because it feels like I’m sitting around playing records with people. I can’t wait for the “Fauci-Jabb”.



Category: Interviews

About the Author ()

ToddStar - that's me... just a rocking accountant who had dreams of being a rock star. I get to do the next best thing to rocking the globe - I get to take pictures of the lucky ones that do. I love to shoot all genres of music and different types of performers. If it is related to music, I love to photograph it. I get to shoot and hang with not only some of my friends and idols, but some of the coolest people around today.

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