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BOOK REVIEW: Amazing Daddy by Rachel Bright

| 8 November 2016 | Reply

BOOK REVIEW: Amazing Daddy by Rachel Bright

July 2016
Hardback, $24.99
Reviewed by Steph O’Connell

Picture Book




My daddy is AMAZING for a thousand different reasons.
He’s a year-round SUPERHERO, a daddy for all seasons!

This is a very cute book, full of Rachel Bright’s signature illustrations and a fun and cute rhyme, as well as certain lines that are all at once so spot-on for how kids think and what they say, as well as incredibly funny for grown-ups reading along.

Yes, I’d like to be like Daddy when I’m BIG and OLD one day.
But the oldness that my daddy has is VERY far away.

The story runs through a whole lot of things that “little pandas” might do with their dads, including waking up and snuggling, making breakfast, dressing up like superheroes, and making things in the shed.

It’s adorable, bright, engaging, and great fun to read aloud!

Category: Book Reviews, Other Reviews

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