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Shane’s Music Challenge: THE TREWS – 2009 – Friends & Total Strangers

| 25 February 2014 | Reply

Shane’s Music Challenge: THE TREWS – 2009 – Friends & Total Strangers

The Trews - Friends & Total Strangers cover

Some bands have just GOT IT. Take Canada’s The Trews – a fearsome live band front by the MacDonald brothers, their deadly secret weapon is simply fantastic songwriting, played by a band that cannot put a foot wrong and play like one amorphous musical group linked by head and heart.

This album collects their best from their three studio albums to that time, and accompanies that album with a live acoustic disc which is just stunning and addictive.

Having seen these guys live in a beery pub (singer Colin MacDonald, got our then-three year old Tia up on stage [below, Colin rather sunburnt!], whilst none other than Jeff Martin played next to him!), we can attest they fully embody the spirit of The Stones and their ilk.

The Trews with Jeff Martin and Tia

The entire double is pretty much essential listening: Poor Ol’ Broken Hearted Me, Den Of Thieves, The Travelling Kind, I Can’t Stop Laughing, Locked Doors, Ishmael & Maggie, So She’s Leaving, Hold Me In Your Arms – they’re all killer songs, done brilliantly, and many are presented in both electric and acoustic format, always working splendidly in both. If you have this, you will know exactly what I mean. If you don’t – what are you waiting for?

Category: Shane's Rock Challenge

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Editor, 100% ROCK MAGAZINE

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