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MASSIVE – Full Throttle

| 25 October 2013 | Reply

MASSIVE – Full Throttle
Independent, 2013
Reviewed by Shane Pinnegar

Massive - Full Throttle CD

Bloody ‘ell – for a bunch of unshaven back street, woke-up-in-the-clothes-they-wore-last-night, rabble rouser lookin’ dudes, Massive have crafted one helluva great album that takes Aussie pub rock as it’s starting point and then makes mighty leaps and bounds towards stadium-sized anthemic rock n’ roll of the highest order.

Burn The Sun is a nice scene setter, but it’s the next track, Hollywood, which screams out for a big stage and a crowd to match. Bring Down The City is another example of how this Melbourne foursome can take a solid rock song and spice it up into something pretty damned sexy indeed.

There’s not a dud on Full Throttle – One By One is a rollicking fast paced romp that’ll have hair shaking and shoes shuffling; Big Trend Setter has a slower groove but no less of a catchy chorus; in Dancefloor they have a track which peppers their heads down rock n’ farkin’ roll – “Get on the muthafucking dance floor” – with enough indie sense and a shuffling dance rhythm that should see it appeal not only to rockers but also hipster try-hards everywhere; and Ghost is a ballad that would have sit comfortably on either Velvet Revolver album, such is it’s majesty and power.

Fantastic writing is the key here, and with such a plethora of great, catchy choruses, powerful riffs and excellent performances all round, Massive have the potential to be just that in a few years.


Category: CD Reviews

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Editor, 100% ROCK MAGAZINE

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