Comedy: Alan Davies live in Perth, 2nd December 2011
Alan Davies – Life Is Pain
The Astor Theatre, Perth
2 December, 2011
By Shane Pinnegar
You may be familiar with Alan Davies from his television appearances in quirky drama Jonathan Creek, cheeky panel show QI with Stephen Fry, or Hotel Kitchen sitcom Whites, and his return to standup after a ten year break in “Life Is Pain” will do nothing to change your opinion of him as a naturalistic, normal kinda guy.
Basing his likeable show on the premise that life is painful and amusing, the Englishman talks about everything from Australia’s climate to his college drinking exploits, London riots and the Olympics, his family and society’s obsession with social networking, all delivered in a relaxed, amiable way to make each audience member feel he was talking directly to them.
Whilst Davies may not have the razor sharp wit of Eddie Izzard or the absurd humour of the Monty Python gang, his personal tales and wry observations make this an absolutely enjoyable hour and a half, culminating with some hilarious and personal musing on love, marriage and masturbation to internet porn.
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Category: Comedy Reviews