Label: Rockshots Records
Release Date: June 14, 2019
Rating: 86%
Reviewed by: Todd “Toddstar” Jolicoeur
It is always interesting when new music is sent my way… and even better when it is really good stuff from someone that wasn’t on my radar. That said, the latest from Italian rockers Sandness is a great surprise that is slowly taking over the time I allocate to listening to music. The latest release is full of rockers that take me back to the 80’s without sounding rehashed or overdone. Disc opener “Life’s a Thrill” gives us a glimpse of what is headed our way, with big guitars, thundering drums, and some sleazy lyrics and vocals. This is as close to 80’s I have heard from a newer band in a few years. The song is solid and sets the stage for the rest of the disc. “Tyger Bite” is a killer song from top to bottom and is a great choice as the lead song and video from the disc. The vocals on the verse have a little heavier feel (think Megadeth) over top the totally 80’s rock musical accompaniment, but shifts gears into a great chorus that kicks the door wide open. This song is worth the price of admission on this disc. “Never Givin’ Up” starts off with charging drums and a chugging riff that fill the sound just before the vocals kick in. The lyrics are cool and tongue-in-cheek and the vocals deliver them with precision. “Pyro” is a mellow instrumental track that morphs into the following track, but the transition is lost on me, as one has nothing to do with the other. “Radio Show” is a simple track that incorporates the various sounds and textures of the other tracks. This one has an 80’s feel when it hits the layered chorus, including a couple ad libs. The song plugs along and blends in to the rest of the disc easily. “”Only The Youth” has a great sound and vibe from the guitars and rhythm section. The vocals are thick and layered giving the song punch, especially at the chorus.
“London” is a typical rock track that could have been ripped from any Sunset Strip band’s release circa 1986-1989. The vocals are clean and allow the bands to shine through underneath the melodic chorus and verse. The guitars are solid and swirl nicely with the rhythm section in the mix. Although relatively simple, this contagious track will have you coming back time and time again… especially once you hear the solo at the bridge. “Easy” has a great riff that opens the track along with some cool drum fills before the vocals join the fray. This is the first song that has a slightly disjointed sound compared to the other tracks, but it doesn’t deviate too far from the path cut. The groove of the track seems more modern than most of the other songs. “Tell Me Tell Me” is another track that plugs along and has a similar sound and feel to others on the disc without standing out in the crowd. The rhythm section keeps the song on tempo and gives the song a solid cadence underneath the vocals and miscellaneous guitar solos full of pings, squeals, and runs. “The Deepest Side Of Me” has a great groove and sound form the chugging riff that opens the track. The vocals lean more toward the 80’s, but do have a slightly more modern sound on the verse. The chorus is big and very reminiscent of an era gone by. The guitars and drums support the track perfectly, especially at the bridge, and help wind the disc down on a high note. Disc closer “Until It’s Over” is a lot of the same, except for the intro, which drew me in from the piano interlude, through the opening fret work and drums. The song soon converts into a rock track that bleeds from the same vein as the rest of the disc. While the songs may not be every listeners preference, these guys are consistant in sound and vibe. I may have to hunt down their previous releases and listen to the growth of the trio.
Tracklisting: Life’s a Thrill – Tyger Bite – London – Never Givin’ Up – Easy – Pyro – Radio Show – Tell Me Tell Me – Only The Youth – The Deepest Side Of Me – Until It’s Over
Sandness – Line-Up: Mark Denkley (Bass guitar, lead and backing vocals) – Metyou ToMeatyou (Drums and backing vocals) – Robby Luckets (Guitars, lead and backing vocals)
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