Shane’s Rock Challenge: TRIXTER – 1990 – Trixter
Shane’s Rock Challenge: TRIXTER – 1990 – Trixter
By Shane Pinnegar
In the wake of the Bon Jovi/Poison/Guns n’ Roses/Warrant hair metal explosion, record companies smelling a suitcase full of laundered bills went on a feeding frenzy, and ever bunch of big-haired boys in torn denim who could play a power chord and do as they were told got a record contract.
So, here’s Trixter… and no-one’s gonna be holding these cats up as the next Leonard Cohen or Bob Dylan any time soon.
Hailing from a place where cheesy lyrics skip gaily hand-in-hand with generic tunes, on the face of it they reinforce all that the haters had/have to say about the genre.
Upon closer inspection though, there is a little more substance. Ride The Whip is heavier than the average bubblegum metal tune, and Line Of Fire was a decent melodic single.
However, it’s hard to look at them without cynicism when they sacked their first bass player for “being too tall for the bands look” and the rest of their songs have titles like One In A Million, Surrender, Give It To Me Good, Bad Girls and Play Rough.
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