Shane’s Rock Challenge: ROBERT CRAY – 1990 – Midnight Stroll
Shane’s Rock Challenge: ROBERT CRAY – 1990 – Midnight Stroll
By Shane Pinnegar
Listening to Midnight Stroll this morning, an album wall to wall full of tales of bad bustups, longing for redemption and the karma of cheating, dozens of my own disastrous relationships (and infidelities on both sides of the fence), and lonely nights flashed before my eyes.
That’s the power of a good story or song: it transports you to another time or place, inspires the imagination or allows you to revisit the past.
The Forecast (Calls For Pain), My Problem, Consequences, Walk Around Time, Midnight Stroll and the cautiously optimistic Bouncing Back – they’re sad for sure, but life’s not always happy ecstasy. I’ve been in all those places, on both sides of the good and bad relationships – I’ve had the blues the same as Cray’s singin’ about.
It was wonderful to be reminded of all those mistakes, betrayals and tears… because life’s infinitely better now. All those brick walls were hit searching for what I have now. We need to be reminded how good we have it from time to time.
Great album too – just about Cray’s best. Dig it.
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Category: Shane's Rock Challenge