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Shane’s Rock Challenge: SUZANNE VEGA – 1998 – Tried And True

| 11 April 2014 | Reply

Shane’s Music Challenge: SUZANNE VEGA – 1998 – Tried And True

Suzanne Vega - Tried and True cover

It’s been a long while since I listened to this 1998 best of from the folky chick with the incredible voice, and I confess I’d forgotten how many great, instantly recognisable songs it contains.

I don’t have any of her studio albums, and I probably never will, but it’s wonderful to be able to whack on Luka, Tom’s Diner, 99.9 F°, Marlene on the Wall, or any of a number of these uniformly quality songs.

Well, I say ‘uniformly’, but there’s always a favourite or 2, and in a rare show of uniformity, I’m gonna go with the masses – Luka, the sad story of domestic abuse . and the “do do doodo do doodo” tune of Tom’s Diner are just timeless and examples of a master songwriter at work.

I’m looking forward to hearing them live TONIGHT!

By Shane Pinnegar

Category: Shane's Rock Challenge

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Editor, 100% ROCK MAGAZINE

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