BLOOD RUNNERS – Objective #1
5B Records, 2011
By Shane Pinnegar
Seven tracks of dirty, filthy rock n’ roll from the gutters of Noo Yawk, fuelled by a full tank of glam punk sense and sleaze rock senselessness.
Blood Runners have cherry picked through their influences to great effect – a shade of New York Dolls pink sits next to a glammed up Sweet and Runaways beat; A touch of Lou Reed lyricism and Johnny Rotten sneer blend nicely with Guns n’ Roses meets Hanoi Rocks riffing. The end result is a hard rocking EP dripping in sleaze and raw energy.
Check out Express Elevator, Lone Wolf, I Despise You, Church Yard for the proof – hell, all seven tracks kick arse and take names, so pick up a copy for those days when you’re a few margaritas in the bag and want some surly, carefree attitude-full hard rockin’ fun.
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