Beak Premiere “The Weight & Time” Video Via Metalholic
Watch the new video now via Metalholic:
“This is one of the best Post-Metal releases I have heard since ISIS landmark classic – OCEANIC and VYGR’s Hypersleep.” – The Sludgelord
“Beak aren’t interested in being heavy for the sake of being heavy. There is a purpose to the power they unleash on record, using dynamic shifts as part of the storytelling movement and narrative.” – AOL Noisecreep
“My only qualm with Beak and Eyrie is that there’s just not enough of it. 5 tracks leave you wanting a hell of a lot more, but that’s a good thing, right!? Anyone who has had enough of the post-rock genre’s waterlogged ideas and lack of energy will love this band.” – Hellride
“I have no doubt that Beak will become a force to be reckoned with in the most-metal scene.” –
“Eyrie is more than a pleasant surprise. It’s one of the better EPs I’ve heard in some time. It being an EP is really the only somewhat negative thing I can say. I want more, 5 tracks isn’t enough.” – Stereokiller
“Eyrie is more than a pleasant surprise. It’s one of the better EPs I’ve heard in some time. It being an EP is really the only somewhat negative thing I can say. I want more, 5 tracks isn’t enough.” – Boston Phoenix
“The 5 tracks displayed on this fine EP display some stunning, sludgy post hardcore/post rock/screamo that’s about as finely crafted yet unique as any EP I’ve heard in some time and one of the rare times, I have no real comparison to make.” – Teeth of the Divine
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