Label: Spinefarm Records
Release Date: March 10, 2015
Rating: 8.5/10
Reviewed by: Todd “Toddstar” Jolicoeur
A lot of bands try to recapture the lost glam/metal sound of the 80’s. One band has taken that sound and combined it with a heavier modern edge and released a new disc. “Bonafide Heroes” opens the sophomore effort from Santa Cruz, and it highlights the combination of two distinct rock sounds, while not washing out either of the styles. “Velvet Rope” comes along and adds more of the 1980’s ping and squeal to the mix, along with an anthemic chorus. The guitar work is killer and the vocals add depth to the track. “6(66) Feet Under” is all 80’s with a sprinkling of modern rock. The guitars and bass drive the track from pen to close while the drums anchor the track with solid time keeping. “We Are The Ones To Fall” has a very modern feel that drags in different sounds and textures from other rock styles. The guitar work stands out on this track, while the heavier vocals lead the song. The chorus is catchy and should go over well in a live setting. “Let Them Burn” is a good track that bridges different eras of rock gone by, while making sure the band puts a heavy modern touch on the groove.
“My Remedy” has a different vibe to it – it isn’t quite heavy metal and not hard rock – this is a great combination of the two styles, throwing in some aggressive vocals and lyrics, along with an anthemic feel that drives the chorus and bridge. “Bye Bye Babylon” opens with a cool interlude that builds in intensity through the verse and into the chorus. The showcasing of the lead vocal during the verse is magic and allows the song to slowly build around the vocals – especially the layered background vocals. “Wasted & Wounded” has a mellower sound and feel from the opening, but quickly morphs into a great rock track swimming in riffs and cool background chants. The chorus will get hands in the air and the bridge provides some great air guitar riffs. “Vagabonds (Sing With Me)” is a different style track that is firmly led by the bass, drums, and a chugging riff. The guitar work at the bridges takes the song in a different direction without derailing the effort. Disc closer “Can You Feel The Rain” is the lone ballad-ish track on the disc, and it fits the style of the other songs and the band. The songs mellow lyrics and vibe are accented by the soaring chorus and the ethereal guitar work on the verse.
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