TRAPT – Reborn
Label: EMI Records
Release Date: January 22, 2013
Rating: 9/10
Reviewed by: ToddStar
From the opening sounds on their latest release, Trapt make it known they are coming back stronger than ever, after a little time out of the spotlight.
“Bring It” charges forward and rocks from open to close. The music here demonstrates the musicianship that made these guys popular in the first place. “Love Hate Relationship” follows and keeps the tide coming. The riffs are chunky and full. The guitar work is intricate during the breakdowns, and transitions well. Next up is “Experience,” which has a different sound for the band. This sounds darker, both in music and lyric, than is typical of the band, but they pull it off well. “Eye Of The Storm” is another cool track that fits well within the bands sound and the vibe of this disc. “Livewire” has a very heavy intro and the vocals seems to come out of a bag of tricks. This sounds unlike any other Trapt song I am familiar with, but I really like this. The experimentation the band has done on this disc suits them well.
“Going Under” returns to the familiar Trapt sound and is a great bridge between old and new. “Strength In Numbers” has that vintage Trapt feel as well, but sounds new and improved. The band broke from the mold of their previous efforts while maintaining the sound that put them on the charts and in the public eye. “Get Out Of your Own Way” is another track that seems darker and heavier. The lyrics throughout this disc seem to be written more from the gut that previous albums. This is a good thing, as the album feels more honest and true than others in their discography. “When It Rains” is a great rocker that breaks the chains and rips the roof off as they head towards the end of the disc. Disc closer “You’re No Angel” is a good track that makes it easier to press play once more and listen to the entire disc again. So many discs run out of gas by the end, but not true here.
Forget what you know or think about Trapt, this is so much better.
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