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| 22 November 2018 | Reply


By Shane Pinnegar

Described by popular music blog, Wolf in a Suit, as “punk rock at its finest”, Brisbane band Shorelines, are well on their way to the forefront of Australia’s pop/punk scene. Their sophomore EP ‘Blank Pages & Broken Records’ is out now. Lead vocalist and bassist HARRY WHITE took time to throw down a Quick Dozen for 100% ROCK.

1. Tell us a little about your latest release. Are there any hidden nuggets the band put in the material that only diehard fans might pick up on?

Blank Pages & Broken Records is our second major release as a band and it marks a really big milestone for us. The 6 track was completely self written & self produced and tells the story behind 6 different situations you may experience in your life with different people. There is also a secret hidden track at the end of the EP if you purchase a physical copy! We won’t elaborate any more than that, you’ll have to find out for yourself!

2. What got you into music, and can you tell us about the moment you realised you wanted to be a musician?

Ever since we were all children we’ve all been involved in music, we all have very musical families and grew up around musicians.

3. Who would be your main five musical influences?

– State Champs
– All Time Low
– Foo Fighters
– Rise Against
– Blink 182

4. If you could call in any one collaborator to do a song with, who would it be?

John Feldman

5. How would you describe your music to someone who’d never listened to you before?

It’s a little bit rocky, a little bit punky and a little bit poppy!

6. What’s the best thing about being a musician?

There is no better feeling than having your fans come to your shows and signing the lyrics you’ve written at the top of their lungs.

7. When the band are all hanging out together, who cooks; who gets the drinks in; and who is first to crack out the acoustic guitars for a singalong?

Shaman gets the beers, Dylans gets the cob loaf going, Harry busts out the gat and Sean is on the music.

8. If you weren’t a musician, what would be your dream job?

We all have different passions outside of music but we all would be working in the creative industry somewhere!

9. Looking back over your career, is there a single moment or situation you feel was a misstep, or you would like to be able to “do over”?

Not at all! Everything we’ve done as musicians has either pushed us harder to given us a great opportunity to learn from our mistakes and be better the next time around. Although we did accidentally book a hotel room for the wrong weekend when we were on tour earlier this year…

10. If you were made ruler of the world, what would your first orders be?

Every musician in the world gets complete funding to record new music and tour, always!

11. If you could magically go back in time and be a part of the recording sessions for any one record in history, which would you choose – and what does that record mean to you?

The Beatles – Abbey Road. One of the greatest albums of all time and a huge influence across the music industry.

12. What, for you, is the meaning of life??

Cob loaf & chicken nugs.

Category: Interviews

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Editor, 100% ROCK MAGAZINE

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