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Afternoons Tonight! with James Valentine at the WA State Theatre Centre

| 17 January 2018 | Reply

Afternoons Tonight! with James Valentine at the WA State Theatre Centre

“Talk back radio. You won’t believe who calls ..…”


Direct from sell out seasons on the East Coast, James Valentine tours his wildly funny stage show to Perth Comedy Festival.

James Valentine exists in the grey fringes of your memory. He did ABC TV kids telly in the 80s, he was in the hit Australian band Models, and he’s been on some shockers of TV shows that even he can’t remember.

But what he’s actually been up to for the last twenty years is talk radio on ABC Radio Sydney. He’s been on air for two decades and his Afternoons show is like no other. It’s funny, but not just because he’s funny – it’s his callers. They are hilarious. They’re bizarre, and they tell him all the weird stuff that happens in their life.

James will share his best, worst and most intriguing callers from his Afternoons radio show, and then he’ll turn it over to you for a live session of talkback theatre that will bring out the strange, the wonderful and the hilarious sitting right there in the room.

You’ll laugh, you’ll crack up and you’ll have something to talk about all weekend!

Afternoons Tonight! is a fantastically funny and interactive night at the theatre and a great insight into how talk radio really works!

James Valentine is one of Australia’s most loved radio presenters and in a long and eclectic career has worked as a journalist, author, television host and musician. A saxophonist, he has performed with many acclaimed acts including: Jo Jo Zep, Models and Absent Friends. James also hosts the ABC Podcast Head Room which expands on musings and questions posed during James’ Afternoons radio show from 1-3pm weekdays on ABC Radio Sydney and NSW.


Category: News

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Editor, 100% ROCK MAGAZINE

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