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West Australian musos covering Bowie for charity after devastating fires

| 19 January 2016 | Reply

West Australian musos covering Bowie for charity after devastating fires

David Bowier

In the wake of devastating fires in the South-West of our state, Western Australian musicians are rallying around a new fundraising cause: to record a version of a David Bowie song which means a lot to them, and do it within three hours with whatever instrumentation they have close to hand.

Bowie sadly passed away a week ago, after a long but private battle with cancer. His influence on modern pop and rock music, not to mention his social impact on late ’60s and ’70s Britain (and the world) is immeasurable.

‘WA loves David Bowie’ organiser Steve Parkin started the ball rolling with a heartfelt take on Bowie’s Heroes, and just a few hours later there are four tracks posted on the event’s Soundcloud page, with many more promised. More contributors are welcome.

Parkin says the songs are free to download – provided fans donate to the fire relief fund.

All who download are asked to please donate $5 to the Fire Relief Appeal for those in Yarloop. Donations to the Waroona and District Fires Appeal can be made:
•Via electronic funds transfer: BSB: 306-035, Account: 2014474.
•Over the counter at any BankWest branch or agency to the dedicated appeal account BSB: 306-035, Account: 2014474
•On person at the Customer Service counter at Council House, 27 St Georges Terrace, Perth
•On the phone via credit card on 9461 3886 during normal business hours
•By mail to LMDRF, Waroona and District Fires Appeal, City of Perth, GPO Box C120, Perth WA 6839″

Here’s the link to the tracks:

Category: News

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Editor, 100% ROCK MAGAZINE

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