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BOOK REVIEW: You’re Never Weird on the Internet (Almost) by Felicia Day

| 15 August 2015 | 1 Reply

BOOK REVIEW: You’re Never Weird on the Internet (Almost) by Felicia Day

August 2015
Paperback, $32.99
Reviewed by Steph O’Connell



Felicia Day is a professional actress who has appeared in numerous mainstream television shows and films, including a two-season arc on the Syfy series Eureka and a four-season arc on the CW show Supernatural.
However, Day is best known for her work in the web video world, behind and in front of the camera. She costarred in Joss Whedon’s Emmy Award-winning internet musical, Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog. She also created and starred in the hit web series The Guild, which ran for six seasons.

In the introductory chapter of this book, Felicia Day explains that people either love her, or have no idea who she is.

On average, a random person on the street won’t know my work, but there are certain places where I’m a superstar, like San Diego Comic-Con, and… other places like San Diego Comic-Con.

Now, as a person who is pretty much into anything sci-fi, has been to a few cons, and is a lover of television, I found this really hard to believe. She’s Felicia freaking DAY! But then I started mentioning the book to people – at the bookstore where I work, on facebook, in general conversation – and I realised she was right. I should never have doubted you, oh Queen of the Internet.

As a result, you will likely be in one of two camps with regards to this review and the book it covers:

For the excited: Thanks for liking my work! I like you, too!
For the confused? I hear you, man. The friend who gave you this book does not know you at all. They should have gone with a more impersonal choice, like a scented candle or a gift certificate to somewhere with good french fries, amiright?

For the record, let me just say that as far as biographies go… this is my favourite.

I could just end this review here, with a quote by George Martin:

Reading this is like sitting down and having dinner with her, and hearing the story of her life between the clam chowder and the cheesecake. I can’t imagine a more charming or amusing dinner companion. Felicia is a lot of fun, and so is her book.

But you want more information than that, right?

This biography covers a lot of Felicia’s childhood, with homeschooling, discovering online games, and attending university at sixteen for a double major in music and mathematics and fighting tooth and nail to maintain a 4.0 GPA. It deals with internet in the early days, anxiety caused by the overload of… everything, and the important questions like “What superpower would you wish for?”

I don’t even know ONE other language outside of key menu items like “tamale” and “fondue,” but whenever I hear a tourist who can’t speak English struggling to to get directions, I dream of being able to step in, no matter what the language, but especially German since it’s emphatic, and fix the problem.

This book will make you laugh, if you’re a sci-fi geek you will be able to relate, and you won’t be able to put it down. There’s a chapter on all the lovely fans she’s met, a chapter on World of Warcraft, and yes, even one on #GamerGate.

If you’re a fan, you definitely need this book. And if you’re not a fan, maybe it’s time you became one.

Category: Book Reviews, Other Reviews

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