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Shane’s Rock Challenge: JOE SATRIANI – 1987 – Surfing With The Alien

| 30 April 2014 | Reply

Shane’s Music Challenge: JOE SATRIANI – 1987 – Surfing With The Alien

Joe Satriani - Surfing With The Alien cover

It takes a rare talent to write a song that can captivate an audience without vocal melodies or lyrics, and just 3 instruments on show.

Satriani is a master guitarist and songwriter though, and pulls off an amazing feat with this, his second full length record. On his debut Not Of This Earth he had done what most instrumentalists still do – err more towards flash over substance.

Many instrumental guitar albums And to focus on speed or Flash ness over melody + songwriting. Not this one though.

The title track and Ice 9 are fantastic SONGS that also showcase incredible playing. Crushing Day and Lords Of Karma are just great rock songs, as the piece de resistance, Always With Me, Always With You is as masterful a piece of songwriting as there’s ever been, and rewarded Satch with a Grammy nomination for Best pop Instrumental in 1989.

By Shane Pinnegar

Category: Shane's Rock Challenge

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Editor, 100% ROCK MAGAZINE

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