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Movie: EPIC 3D

| 23 June 2013 | Reply

Starring Colin Farrell, Christoph Waltz, Beyonce Knowles, Amanda Seyfried
Released July 2013
Reviewed by Tia & Shane Pinnegar

When the evil Mandrake (a creepily menacing Christoph Waltz) attacks the balance of good and evil in the forest, spreading rot and decay and killing the beloved Queen Tara (Beyonce Knowles), the stage is set for a mighty battle between good and evil.

Led by Tara’s faithful Captain Ronin (an understated and powerful Colin Farrell) and the rebellious Nod (Joss Hutcherson), the tiny forest folk are on the back foot until they’re joined by MK (Amanda Seyfried, made for the role), a seventeen year old human who is magically shrunk down and transported to the world of the forest fairies.

Startlingly clear animation renders spectacular forest vistas – not only of the lush, sun-drenched forest full of foliage and colourful flowers, but also of the dark, dead forest that Mandrake spreads through the land.

Tia, aged six, declares this a great movie, featuring very talented voice actors, fast paced animation that make the happy forest look magical and inviting, and the darkly spreading rot so scary and not nice. Epic is as entertaining as the best Disney films, with action, adventure and laughs galore for all ages, not least of which comes from Aerosmith’s Steven Tyler’s turn as the wise and wise-cracking old caterpillar Nim Galuu.

With so much heart in the story she (and the grown ups!) were soon cheering for the good guys and emotionally invested in the entertaining and well written storyline instantly, following it on the edge of her seat all the way up to the princess-perfect happy ending.


Category: Movie & Theatre Reviews

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Editor, 100% ROCK MAGAZINE

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