PAMELA MOORE – Resurrect Me
Label: Rat Pak Records
Release Date: Mahy 14, 2013
Rating: 9/10
Reviewed by: ToddStar
Amazing how a guest vocal role on a disc can take someone on a journey that crosses decades. That is exactly what Sister Mary from the Queensryche disc Operation: MindCrime has experienced. Pamela Moore has unleashed another killer disc on us. “Acquiescent” opens the disc with a heavy bottom end and some great guitar riffs that keep the prog sound underneath her vocals. She hasn’t missed a beat over the last 25 years, and her voice is strong and immediately takes me back to that seminal recording. “Melt Into You” is next and keeps the heavy progressive feel to the track while allowing Pamela to stretch her vocal cords. The guitar work is great and keeps the track grounded. Michael Posch really adds to this disc with his riffs. “Paranoia” comes along and is a bit different from the previous tracks, as the vocals seem to take a back seat to the rest of the track. The vocals seem very repressed and looking for a spot to breakout, but it never seems to happen. “We Are Damaged” has the same subdued vibe through the track, but he vocals are allowed to soar on this track. This song, style, and groove fit Pamela’s voice perfectly. “Resurrect Me” kicks off with a beautiful guitar piece that evolves into a great song that really spotlights Pamela’s vocal range and strength. The song gets heavy as it progresses, but keeps the lite vibe through guitar, heavy bass, and pounding drums.
“The Sky Is Falling” gets the energy back up and features more killer riffs that duet with Pamela’s voice. There is definitely something a little more sultry in her voice on this track. The emotion just seems to flow from her mouth on this song. “Awakening” has an avant garde feel to it when it opens, but soon is very locked into the vibe of this disc. The chugging riff is strong and steady, but the show of Pamela’s range later in the track helps demonstrate her real talent. “Breaking Down” starts off a little mellow, but it doesn’t keep Ms. Moore’s voice from taking over and soaring over top the guitar work on this track. The solos between verses and chorus are intricate and played perfectly. They dance nicely as a back drop for the vocals. “Desperate By Design” starts up and re-introduces the rock vibe. The guitars, bass, and drums come together to create a great track. The vocals are more rock and straight forward on this track, but it comes off well and adds another dimension to Pamela’s talent. “Wide Awake (Phoenix Rising)” is a slice of prog rock goodness. The pace is tempered, but effective. The song builds from verse to verse through cool chorus pieces and interesting bridges. The song is a nice bookend to the rest of the tracks, in that is varies from most of the tracks here, without going way off course.
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