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Muse – US Copyright Claim

| 13 September 2012 | Reply

September 11th, 2012 – Los Angeles, CA – The members of Muse have learned that a legal action has been commenced in the US against their record company, Warner Music, alleging that the band’s 2009 album, “The Resistance”, infringed copyright.

A spokesman for the band commented as follows: “The claim is complete nonsense, and is categorically denied.  It appears to be based on a ‘screenplay’ which the band never received or saw, produced by someone the band has never heard of.  It speaks volumes that the album in question was released a full 3 years ago, and yet this is the first that has been heard of these groundless allegations”.

Warner Music will aggressively defend this lawsuit, and the band is exploring what remedies may be available to them in the US in relation to these untrue and baseless allegations.

Category: News

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ToddStar - that's me... just a rocking accountant who had dreams of being a rock star. I get to do the next best thing to rocking the globe - I get to take pictures of the lucky ones that do. I love to shoot all genres of music and different types of performers. If it is related to music, I love to photograph it. I get to shoot and hang with not only some of my friends and idols, but some of the coolest people around today.

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