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Jackyl – Best In Show

| 16 September 2012 | Reply

Label: Mighty Loud

Release Date: July 31, 2012

Rating: 9/10

Reviewed by: ToddStar

How nice is it to open the mail and see a promo copy of the new Jackyl disc?? VERY NICE – especially when it sounds like this disc does.  Jesse has really taken everything he has learned through the last 20 years as the front man of Jackyl and created a killer disc that is leaps and bounds ahead of its predecessors.  The band has never sounded tighter – a sure result of the constant touring these road animals do.  Let’s see exactly what it takes to be the “Best In Show”…

“Best In Show” has killer guitars compliments of Jeff Worley.  You know you are in the midst of a Jackyl disc when you hear those familiar vocals coming out of the speakers.  Jesse James Dupree really has a voice that stands out and makes a song its own.  “Encore” again features some cool guitar work, but what stands out, besides the lyrics declaring “she makes the room go boom-boom-boom,” is the pounding bass of Roman Glick.  “Screwdriver” is next up and it is instantly known why this was chosen as the first single.  The chugging guitars and rhythm section, anchored by Jeff’s brother, Chris Worley, are solid here, but again, the tongue in cheek lyrics along with Dupree’s vocal styling make this a fun track from top to bottom.  “Horns Up” has a fun-rhythm section introduction that sets the pace for the rest of the track.  Jesse James has not lost his knack for penning songs that make you wonder exactly which meaning her was trying to infer.  Hell, I have thrown up the horns a couple times in my mind just listening to this track.

“Golden Spookytooth” has that classic Jackyl feel to it and gets your foot tapping and your head moving to the rhythm of the track.  I am not sure what the title implies, but man this track sizzles – a slow grinding rocker that grabs you by the soul and rocks you.  “Cover Of The Rolling Stone” is a great rendition of a great song.  The original is classic and the version from the movie ‘Almost Famous’ is fun too, but when you get a band with a southern feel performing it, it seems to stand out on its own.  Sorry Poison, but this version rocks… any song does once you get a co-“vocal” from a chainsaw.  “Walk My Mile” is one track that is not your typical Jackyl track.  This one brings a more serious facet to the band and disc, but not in a bad way.  If anything, this demonstrates the band is still growing after twenty years.  “Favorite Sin” brings the southern back to this disc, with that familiar guitar sound and the vibe instantly created when Jesse starts singing.

“Better Than Chicken” with it chorus ‘I like poontang better than chicken’ instantly took me back to “She Loves My Cock” from the first disc.  You are in Jesse’s house and he is going to tell it like it is.  “Don’t Lay Down On Me” is one of the best ballads I have heard from Jackyl.  Who knew these guys were romantics?  The guitar work really stands out on this track.  This song elevates the band to a new level in my opinion.  “Eleven” cranks it back up and helps guide this disc home it true rock fashion.  This has been one of the best discs from a band that has been around this long.  I can’t wait to throw this in the car and shoot down the highway.  We are blessed with a bonus track on this disc, thanks to the band’s recent tours with Darryl McDaniels of Run-DMC fame.  “It’s Tricky” is a cool collaboration that should please rockers and rappers alike.

Best In Show indeed.  I really dug the last disc these guys released, but this is so much better.  I can’t wait to get out there and experience some of these tracks live.  Thanks to Jackyl for keeping rock alive.  These guys make no apologies for who they are or what they do.  They rock and roll their way and at the end of the day, hopefully you were smart enough o pay attention and enjoy the ride.

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Category: CD Reviews

About the Author ()

ToddStar - that's me... just a rocking accountant who had dreams of being a rock star. I get to do the next best thing to rocking the globe - I get to take pictures of the lucky ones that do. I love to shoot all genres of music and different types of performers. If it is related to music, I love to photograph it. I get to shoot and hang with not only some of my friends and idols, but some of the coolest people around today.

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